
A Brief Review of Civilization


A Brief Review of Civilization



The most precious innovation in the world is not any scientific technology, but the System of Justice that protects the sustainable development of modern civilization, based on respect of human rights and gun rights, as revealed by the Declaration of Independence, besides the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution that ensures practical operation of Gun Rights.

星球上最重要的创新不是任何一个具体的科技创新,而是一套 持枪权捍卫人权 的基本原则 来确保现代文明 长期运行的 公正体制, 如同宪法第二修正案所揭示,确保了持枪权捍卫人权的规范 有效运行。

Such system glorifies the secular concept of "Human Rights" to a religious level, and more importantly, protects the vague idea of "Human Rights" which may cover many subjects in people's daily life activities with a powerful scientific rule — the principle to keep Guns by citizens so as to prevent betrayal of justice by vicious politicians that may easily occur at turbulent times of history!  

这套体系让 “人权”概念得到了神圣化的提升,更重要的是, “人权”概念比较模糊,可能涵盖人们日常生活的很多领域,这套体系以有力的科学手段保护笼统的“人权”理念以坚定的公民持枪权原则,捍卫公平正义, 确保在历史的剧烈动荡期间 公平正义 不会遭到邪恶政客的背叛和践踏!

Government, state, nation or an entire civilization can be a machinery that swallows many people’s lives. If you love your motherland, your government or the civilization on your planet, then protect the machinery with a resolute principle of Gun Rights system, so as to prevent the machinery from frequent mischief that could produce much more disasters than nature.

国家、民族甚至整个人类文明都可能蜕变为吃人的机器。 如果您热爱您的祖国或者热爱您的族群所代表的星球文明,那么,请以“持枪权捍卫真理“的原则,去捍卫“国家”、“真理”或者星球文明! 那样,国家机器才不会频繁失常,吞噬越来越多的人口,那种远超过自然灾害的人造灾难才能得以避免。


The Gun Rights system is derived from gunpowder innovated in traditional Chinese culture.  With the percentage of illiteracy reduced, it’s reasonable that a new culture based on Respect of Human Rights and Gun Rights will emerge in East Asia in this millennium, highly possible to be achieved in 21st century when more and more people get awakened up by the pandemics and over-tough policies of city lock-down which could produce more disasters than the virus itself.


