
Special Greetings


The greeting card is designed by a nice guy. It brings a sense of spring warmth during the cold winter. 


In a special season with flooding viruses, wish you peace, good health,  a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


那个特别的贺卡,画面美丽而温馨,能够给人在严寒的冬天中感受到春天的温暖的 特殊力量!









The Best Speech of The Century!


 (... 那可以舍弃全部的),而你们经常忽略了轻重。就在前年,在苏州,一个小姑娘跟自己的母亲吵架。妈妈告诉他孩子,你都上高中了,妈每天打工,妈妈下岗给人家做清洁工。一个月才800块钱,你考试考这么少的成绩,妈妈多难过?女儿说,妈妈,我不是故意的,我马虎了吗。孩子,如果妈妈马虎了,人家一分钱都不给呀,那可恨的女儿把门一摔,就离家出走了。多么小的一件事情,十几年的养育之恩哪,就这样,轻轻一摔都可以放弃。妈妈发动家里所有的人去找,找不到这孩子。晚上八九点钟,小姑娘一个人在街头,走到江滨,她又冷又饿,流着眼泪,恨着自己的妈妈。走到一个大排档那里,看着人家吃东西,眼泪汪汪的站在那里。酒店的老板装了一碗面条,孩子啊。是不是跟家里吵架了?把这个吃了,是不是饿了?赶快吃掉回家吧。小姑娘接过面条,狼吞虎咽的吃着,忽然扑通一下。给那老板跪下了。老板,那你是我的恩人,我要感谢你。你比我妈妈好多了。老板听了说,孩子,就凭你这句话,这碗面我都不该给你吃。我们俩素不相识,你连我姓什么叫什么都不知道。我就给了你一碗面条,你能这样的感谢我,你妈妈把你从小养到大,吃了那么多辛苦,你怎么不感谢你的母亲?孩子恍然大悟的跑回家里,看到妈妈晕倒在床上。正所谓儿行千里母担忧,母行万里儿不愁。同学们,你们要好好对待父母亲,不要让人家说,可怜天下父母心啊!


Special Inspiration and Insight — Blessings from Heaven!

A Bosom Friend Makes the World Different!


A grateful heart is indeed important. When a person understands gratitude, they will work diligently, conscientiously, and proactively find ways to overcome various obstacles on their journey forward.


Most of the netizens were born in the post-World War II era. We grew up in relatively peaceful times, so most of us are ordinary individuals without life-or-death dangerous experiences. 


We may not have personally experienced the smoke and flames of war like our predecessors, nor necessarily possess greater wisdom than them. 


However, through efforts, we can learn from their unique thinking, such as Bayesian probability analysis. This approach is applicable not only to the space exploration of the Apollo Moon Landing project, but also to the analysis of the evolution of human civilization. Bayesian probability analysis can help people broaden their perspectives and expand their knowledge.