
Unity of Wisdom from the East and the West

Unity of wisdom from the East and the West
- Build the Rainbow of Your Success

Human beings are the most peculiar creatures among all the things that heaven fosters.  There may be happiness and hardship in the life course of every individual. In the brilliant success of all great achievements, there're painstaking efforts.  Beautiful rainbow is built up through baptism by storm. 
天生万物, 人最为独特。在每个人的生命历程中都会有幸福喜悦和艰辛坎坷。在所有辉煌成就的七彩光环背后,都有人们的艰苦付出。  美丽的彩虹往往在风暴洗礼后才能铸就。



Mr Ren Zhi Qiang still Keeps Holy Faith in His Motherland




时空轮回、凤凰涅磐,在歧路岔道边重新抉择 ......

时空轮回、凤凰涅磐,在歧路岔道边重新抉择 ...... 






Some special projects

Some special projects

Besides data processing, bilingual communication such as writing and editing, content marketing and cyberspace promotion service is available as well.


List of samples of translation

List of samples of translation
Some in-depth topics on bilingual content will be discussed here, with a list of sample text attached herewith.   


Rhythm and passion contribute to the diversities of the world! 多彩世界应包含多样韵律节奏与感情色彩!

Rhythm and passion contribute to the diversities of the world!

As to the ways for ideas presentation, there’s no rigid formula as 1 +1 =2. So there may be different ways in the presentation of same one object. However, people may agree that good creation or translation should contain good rhythm and passion in the broadcast of creative ideas.


Good Song for Children - “兔子与狐狸, 教我打领带” 诗歌

Good Song for Children - “兔子与狐狸, 教我打领带” 诗歌

Tie a Tie with the Rabbit and the Fox song lyrics
“兔子与狐狸, 教我打领带” 诗歌

Good flow of rhythm,logic and passion should be integrated into content presentation

Good flow of rhythm,logic and passion should be integrated into content presentation

Good translation is an honest presentation of the original content, enabling efficient transmission of ideas to the target audience, in appropriate language tone consistent with the relevant context.

Below is an example about translation from English to mandarin Chinese.

The old version Chinese text sounds queer like mechanical expression of the original ideas, though in terms of transliteration, there's no grammatical error, but the way of diction doesn't comply with normal Chinese habit that should go smooth and natural.

Life is an integrated entirety!

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