
Unity of Wisdom from the East and the West

Unity of wisdom from the East and the West
- Build the Rainbow of Your Success

Human beings are the most peculiar creatures among all the things that heaven fosters.  There may be happiness and hardship in the life course of every individual. In the brilliant success of all great achievements, there're painstaking efforts.  Beautiful rainbow is built up through baptism by storm. 
天生万物, 人最为独特。在每个人的生命历程中都会有幸福喜悦和艰辛坎坷。在所有辉煌成就的七彩光环背后,都有人们的艰苦付出。  美丽的彩虹往往在风暴洗礼后才能铸就。

When adverse situation persists, one should learn to keep the fine rainbow in one's spiritual world, reflecting upon one's purpose of life and upholding righteous path since true gold only gets better tempered in fire (red); fine-tuning one's mission to adapt oneself into the constantly-changing world in which new events never stop, just like rolling waves in the sea (blue); motivating oneself to move forward bravely with passions, like lush trees and grass that enjoy growth in spring (green); cherishing one's health with balanced nutrition of fruits, vegetables besides calorie and protein intake, since life is not just one event of marathon, but consists of various events that require patience, intelligence and long-term health to keep sustaining development (orange and yellow).
当身处逆境时,我们应当懂得坚守一颗七彩心,回顾人生目标,坚守正道,因为烈火恰可锻造真金(赤诚红心); 在不断变化的世界里适时地调整人生使命,因为世事变换层出不穷,如同汪洋大海之浪涛层叠(蓝色征程);鞭策自己奋勇前进,如同春天里的茂盛草木一样蓬勃向上(绿树春风);珍摄身心健康,汲取热量、蛋白质、果蔬等营养,保持均衡能量,因为人生不只是一场马拉松,而是要面对包罗万象的世界,需要耐力、智力和持久的强健体能,以便保持长远的发展( 橙黄天道)。

The course of innovation never ends. Indigo blue is extracted from the indigo plant but is bluer than the plant it comes from. There may be temporary bottlenecks on the way of development, but there's no deadlock ceiling limitation in long term run.  So think outside the box. Away from the conventional paths, there's a solution to every problem. 

Dr. Robert C K Lee, the author of "Build the Rainbow of Your Success", has travelled an unconventional path in his life course as well. When he was six years old, Robert contracted pneumonia, which was dangerous in the 1930s in rural China.  Despite the helpless situation, Robert's mother made all possible efforts to help with her son's survival. Fortunately an American missionary doctor in Guangzhou saved Robert's life with some experimental form of penicillin. Then China was plunged into the second World War. At his teenage, the family of Lee often ran as refugees from the invading Japanese army. Once Robert could even see the pilots’ white scarves since the enemy biplanes flew so low in their bombing raid.
李梓光博士(罗伯特CK•李),“七彩道”一书的作者,也走过了不平凡的一生。 在他六岁那年,罗伯特感染上肺炎。在20世纪30年代的中国农村, 这是很危险的疾病。 尽管艰辛而无奈,罗伯特的母亲尽一切努力拯救儿子。幸运的是,在广州的美国传教士医生用尚在实验阶段的青霉素药品救了罗伯特的命。 随后,中国陷入了第二次世界大战。李家为了避开日本侵略军而经常奔走逃难。 有一次,敌人的双翼飞机飞得非常低,罗伯特甚至可以看到敌方飞行员的白色披巾。

That's indeed a dark time of memory. However, in Robert's mind, there's always a firm pursuit of bright future. Due to the experience of bitter hardships in wartime China, young Robert's dream was to join the air force so as to defeat the Japanese army.  Though the dream was not realized since the war was over in 1945, Robert kept his passions for airplanes. 
那的确是一段黑暗的记忆。然而,在罗伯特的心中,总保持着追求光明未来的坚定意志。  由于在中国经历过战争时期的痛苦,小罗伯特的梦想是加入空军,以打败日军。因为战争于1945年结束, 虽然这个梦想没有实现,罗伯特一直保持着对飞机的热爱。

With his persistent pursuit for his dream rainbow in the sky,  Robert travelled alone to the United States in 1950, in his late teens, to study aircraft and engine mechanics.   He struggled to learn English, worked various low-paying jobs. Eventually he was accepted to study engineering at MIT.  Ultimately, he graduated with a Ph.D., became a rocket scientist, a university professor and an entrepreneur.
坚守着对蓝天中的梦想彩虹的执着追求,这个未满20岁的年轻小伙子在1950年孤身前往美国求学,学习飞机发动机力学专业。他刻苦发奋地学习英语, 干过各种低报酬的临时工。他终于被麻省理工学院(MIT)录取,学习航空工程专业。 最后他以博士学位圆满毕业,成为一名火箭科学家,并且还是大学教授和企业家。

The book "Build the Rainbow of Your Success" recounts the author’s struggles through the years, and his gradual discovery that true success is seven-dimensional achievement, like building the seven colors of a rainbow. To be successful, one must have a balanced life – making your rainbow strong and balanced. 
“成功七彩道”这本书详细记录了作者多年来的人生奋斗历程。李博士最终发现,真正的成功包含七维空间,就像铸造彩虹的七色平衡体系。  要取得成功,就要保持平衡的人生 让自己的人生彩虹彰显壮丽而维持平衡。

Rainbow is often built up after storm. When warm sunlight penetrates through dark clouds, the sky is cleared up, with shining colors of rainbow unfolded over the earth. At dark time of an individual's life, one should learn to grow with wisdom, perseverance and faith. With holy guidance of wisdom and perseverance,  the rainbow in one's spiritual world can be united with the physical world. 
彩虹通常在风暴之后铸就。 在人生历程的黑暗时期,人们应该学会在智慧、毅力和信仰中成长。依靠智慧和毅力的神圣指引,梦想中的彩虹有可能在现实中展开。
It's great perseverance and firm faith that build up Dr Lee's unusual rainbow of success. The brilliant glory of this rainbow will encourage people from both the East and West to go on for many generations, and into eternity!




