
Great Awakening — The Definite Principle


The Definite Principle

Great Awakening



All innovations are inspired by a special force in the universe.  Among the big mix-up of uncertainties, there's a definite way out.



At a technology-explosive era, the speed of innovation on both technology and virus production is going at so quick a pace that even the most advanced vaccines can't catch up with the mutations of the virus!



Many scientists have proven that the limited types of vaccines do not solve the on-going pandemics.  Some scholars even found that vaccines might accelerate the mutations of virus!



So there should be diversified solutions on the complicated mutations of virus. Besides the vaccines, some traditional medicines are also developed, like the Home Ivermectin based kits widely adopted by people in India, which is proven to be a scientific approach, to ease the tough situation, though perfect solution on the pandemics is not found yet.

因此,对于病毒的复杂变异,应该有多样化的解决方案。除了疫苗之外,一些传统的药物治疗方式也正在进行,例如印度人民广泛采用的 居家服用伊维菌素 的方案,已被证明是一种科学的方法,有效缓解了严峻的疫情,虽然,目前人们还没找到彻底解决病毒的完美方法。


Science is just a special part of human being's recognition of the universe — the logical part which is verified either by regular formulas or substantial facts.  To tackle complicated issues requires serious mind and persistent passions, which is similar to a strong faith in God. 

科学只是人类认识宇宙的一个特殊部分 能被规范化公式或者大量事实证明的逻辑认识。要解决复杂的问题,则需要认真的态度、和持久的热情,这种态度,就如同对上帝的强烈信仰


With the popularization of IT equipments, many people see that if there is a serious systematic self-conflict that's not solved, the operation task will be plunged into an infinite loop, unable to move forward.   



Hippocrates, often described as the father of modern medicine, once said, "The greatest medicine of all is to teach people how not to need it".  When vaccines are over-commercialized on profiteering purpose, it’s a self-evident contradiction against the medical practice to save people.  Thus, there will be an endless loop of troubles, even with vaccines accelerating the mutations of virus! 

现代医学之父 希波克拉底曾说过:“最伟大的医学是教人们如何避免使用药物”。当疫苗以追逐利益为目的而过度商业化运作时,与治病救人的医疗活动 就形成了 不言而喻的自相矛盾。因此,疫苗与病毒之间的矛盾,也会陷入 无穷无尽的麻烦,疫苗甚至加速病毒变异!


Respect Life, Respect God, Respect the Eternal Heaven and Earth. 

To ensure that such principle is not discarded, the forefathers of America established a special constitution, protecting Human Rights with Gun Rights, which is an universal principle on the planet, of vital importance for the ballots democracy system. 


为了确保这一原则不被抛弃,美国的国父们制定了一部特别的宪法,以持枪权捍卫人权,这是真正的 普世原则,对选票民主的活力至关重要。


It's an unusual stage of history. Over-entertaining atmosphere eroded the fine essence of traditional culture. The conflicts between virus and vaccines will make more and more people get awakened up. 

这是不寻常的历史时期。 过度娱乐化的环境侵蚀了传统文化的精髓。 病毒和疫苗之间的各种矛盾,会逼迫越来越多人觉醒起来。


A new tide of Puritanism Christendom Resurrection will emerge in 21st century!


