
List of samples of translation

List of samples of translation
Some in-depth topics on bilingual content will be discussed here, with a list of sample text attached herewith.   

新闻报导, 经济分析方面带有理性客观的特点, 而时政评论方面则可能带有更多的感情色彩 以下文章在报导中带有对受害者的同情, 译文努力与原文保持一致的基调.
Those articles related to finance and economy or news presentation normally keep objective and rational, while comments on social affairs may have more emotions.  The following article reported relevant social issues with sympathy for the victims, and the translation keeps consistent style of tone and voice in the original work.
Details are as below:

With clear and serious mind-set, and reason and passion in attitude,  efficient presentation of ideas can be done in appropriate language tone that best suits the relevant context of message to be transmitted to the target audience.
(Part of good feedback at international arena is available at the below link.
Regarding rhythm and passion,
good integration of rhythm and passion contribute to the diversities of the wonderful world!  Details are in below URL.

Another example is as below,
the title in Chinese means that Good flow of rhythm, logic and passion should be integrated into content presentation.
Customer-orientated developer of varieties of information ... 
The scope of translation service covers varieties of fields, 
 such as economics and culture, law, medicine and pharmacy, mechanics and electrics, IT, patent & intellectual property, petroleum and chemical industry, electricity and energy, civil engineering and construction, etc.


Varieties of treatises and essays that have different themes and contents in special industries can be processed as well, maybe except some highly-technical documentation related to highly-complex technology such as those in high-tech military industry.  Since for the truly highly-technical-intensive documentation, they'd not be suitable to be processed via internet either, just for the sensitivity of its nature.

Part of excerpts are as below:

Excerpt from a special project on classical ancient Chinese literature is in below url:
    It is an integration of creation and translation, a combination of ancient classical Chinese literature, prose-style poem, metaphysic philosophy in the aspect of Geomancy (Fengshui" in Chinese), and logic analysis based on astrological research of an individuals life course in the unlimited vast span of time and space in the evolution of the universe.

   * 达人企业的目录风格  
      Brochure-style translation for big-name personage and corporation

* 好公司,好产品,就应着力宣传
Good company and good product deserve good propaganda

*   精华节选  罗浮宫, 欧美经典荟萃之平台
Culture, civilization development and traditions inheritance
Louvre Museum, classic inheritance of European-and-American Culture

*   精华节选 -- 螺旋式震荡 (Robust Fractal)
Intensive research of technical theory Robust Fractal, an update on Elliott Wave Theory

*   精华节选  产品创新, 中英宣传 
Innovation product needs good promotion

*   精华节选  血浆品质的监控极为重要!
Medicine and pharmacy, quality control is important!

*   精华节选 –紫杉醇, 抗癌药物的副作用之应对
Treatment of side-effect caused by anti-cancer medicine Paclitaxel

*   精华节选  金融指标与时评分析
Finance and economics - Financial indicators and professional commentary

*  条分缕析的法律条款, 于反复声明中表达一种严肃与庄重
Legal document  the style of tone and voice is serious, concise, and with strict logic

*   精华节选  地产展览也招商引资
Advertisement and exposition

*   The Definition of Freedom/自由的定义
Philosophy, politics and history

(Part of the information processing is done by another friend David, with proof-reading done by Danny)

Main features about translation:
1.1)                For translation between English and Mandarin Chinese, varieties of fields can be processed.
1.2)              Part of the fields processed are shown in the below url link, with styles of samples being shown there.
1.3)               Two factors are important for communication and translation, i.e., clear and serious mind-set, and reason and passion in attitude.
1.4)              To do any mental work well requires people to put heart and soul into the work. If you have certain sensitivity to language, you should feel that, the language in this text of description itself is full of reason and passion. Similarly, for the translation product you need -- which is a product by deep processing of human's mental thinking, I will put equal reason and passion into it, to keep high consistency with the soul of the original idea.
1.5)              How to define good translation between English and mandarin Chinese? 
In below url there are details about the points to be cared about in translation between English and Chinese, including modern mandarin, traditional Chinese and ancient Chinese.

Some other essays for reference:
a) Short essay about creation, translation and human thinking
b) Intensive theory research based on translation and creation, full length of which is about 10,000 words.

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(沟通、写作、翻译, 英译中,中译英,中文英文互译, 汉语英语互相翻译, 包括古汉语, 古文等各领域)
Translation between English and Chinese, including modern mandarin, traditional Chinese and ancient Chinese 

